Pump_Disconnect.JPG350 - 450 Hydraulic pump disconnect8 viewsJim B (0 votes)
s-l640.jpgAM36886 Neutral start switch7 viewsJim B (0 votes)
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T20717.JPG450 straight steering clutch steel disc 16 viewsJim B (0 votes)
T24979_no_shifter.jpg450 series HLR Trans front cover without PTO shifter port5 viewsLater Front cover (T24979) without the port for PTO/winch shaft shifter. D2361R steel ball is not used with this cover. Same cover part number is used for this and the older cover with the port for the PTO/power shaft shifter. Jim B (0 votes)
T24979_with_shifter.jpg450 series HLR Trans front cover with PTO shifter port7 viewsFront cover (T24979) with port for PTO/winch shaft shifter. Expansion plug here when no shifter. D2361R steel ball plugs the shifter port from the side, does not go in the top under the valve.Jim B (0 votes)
T31732.JPGT3173217 viewsJim B (0 votes)
T44129.JPGT4412916 viewsJim B (0 votes)
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Waterloo_2_cylinder_cap.JPGWaterloo 2 cylinder distributor cap9 viewsShows location of clips and index tab as related to the terminalsJim B (0 votes)