Housing_ports_1.jpg2. Roosa Master filter fuel flow and sealing issues if a gasket gets inside the top of a Wix/NAPA filter.12 viewsJim B (0 votes)
housing_ports_2.jpg3. Roosa Master filter fuel flow and sealing issues if a gasket gets inside the top of a Wix/NAPA filter.13 viewsJim B (0 votes)
img_1012.jpg350 fuel filters17 viewsGlass bowl should be on filter closest to the pump (fuel inlet) for first stage of fuel filtration/water separation.Jim B (0 votes)
Seal_gasket_in_wrong_place.jpg59 viewsJim B (0 votes)
tank_vent_tube.jpg450E fuel tank vent13 viewsJim B (0 votes)
Top_of_filter_dry.jpg8. Roosa Master filter fuel flow and sealing issues if a gasket gets inside the top of a Wix/NAPA filter.12 viewsJim B (1 votes)
Wix_33166_NAPA_3166.jpg1. Roosa Master filter fuel flow and sealing issues if a gasket gets inside the top of a Wix/NAPA filter.14 viewsJim B (0 votes)