2019-08-22_201725.jpg3325 winch lube23 viewsJim B (0 votes)
DSCN0535.JPG450E Winch Drive coupling27 viewsJim B (0 votes)
Remote_Spool_valve_3315_winch.jpgEarly 3315 winch uses remote control valve24 viewsUsed on straight 350s, possibly some B series. Filter location is left of center.Jim B (0 votes)
Remote_Spool_valve_3315_winch5B15D.jpgEarly 3315 power winch46 viewsControlled by spool valve under seat on 350s and 350Bs Jim B (0 votes)
Rotary_valve_3315_winch.jpg3315 winch Used on 350B and after with fuel tank sump19 viewsLater model winch using rotary valve. Filter is right of centerlineJim B (0 votes)
Rotary_valve_3315_winch5B15D.jpgLater 3315 power winch24 viewsControlled by rotary valve, most 350Bs and after. Some were converted to spool valves. Filter location is different than early 3315s.Jim B (0 votes)
winch_oil_check_plug.jpg3325 inch oil check plug18 viewsJim B (0 votes)